Consumable Generators

Players will be able to purchase permanent Consumables Generators.

A Consumable Generator will increase the weekly consumable generation with a predefined type of booster.

The list of generators is available at this link.

Generator Slots

Players will be able to use several Generators proportional to their League Pass' cumulative level and Avatar level, based on the following formula:

availableGenerators = (sum(leaguePassLevels) + 3*AvatarLevel) / 15

For example, with a level 30 and level 45 league pass, and a level 20 Avatar, that would be (30+45+3*20)/15 = 135/15 = 9 possible Generators active.

Consumable Generator Ascension

Players will be able to use PookyDollars to increase the rarity of their Generators.

Generators can also be burnt and grant back a percentage of their value, expressed in PookyDollars.

Marketplace Offerings

Packs composition and pricing are likely to change regularly.

Consumable Generators will come in 2 forms:

  • Packs featuring items of various rarities, up to Legendary.

  • Rotating, limited supply stock.

The price of a given Generator is currently set to be ~10% of the price of a League Pass of the corresponding rarity - which means approximately 2 PookyDollars for a Common Generator.

Generators can be purchased off the marketplace in packs.

Last updated

Pooky 2022 - Internal & Confidential - All rights reserved. This document is indicative, and subject to changes without prior information.